Driving the world’s e-mobility transition to create a sustainable future for all

As business grows by leads and bounds, so does our impact as enablers of an e-transition, as a key support system in reducing global emissions, and as an organisation led by a strong Sustainability Vision.

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Our responsibility to people and planet


Aim: To reduce carbon footprint as professionals

We cater for multiple E-Bus OEM’s requiring rapid charging solutions across depots, opportunity charging and rapid mobile charging.

Labor Safety and Standards

Aim: Endeavour towards well-being of employees

To achieve well-being through corporate goals such as safety, fair and equal remuneration and work-site goals which include safety gear, prevention of hazardous accidents, and local site norms.

Human Rights

Aim: Full implementation of Article 3, 4 and 5 of UN Declaration of Human Right

The right to life, liberty, and security begins with a safe workplace. Heliox also does not work with suppliers or partners who employ child or forced labor.


Aim: To foster an inclusive culture

Powering electric visions of the future through sustainable global solutions, team spirit within the organisation and respect for diversity both internally and externally are cornerstones of our corporate policy.


Aim: Become a yardstick for quality

‘Quality is not an act, it is a habit.’ Heliox follows due processes in compliance with our ISO 9001-2015 standard.

Corruption-free, Transparent

Aim: To carry out business with integrity

This includes compliance with applicable laws, transparency in personal-corporate interests, fair competition and ensuring Heliox’ Intellectual property rights are regarded as valuable company assets


With an eye on 2030 and roots in our sustainability vision are clearly defined long-term objectives corresponding to the three motivations: Circularity, Climate, Social Responsibility. Each of these have clearly measurable outcomes, an “owner” from within the core management held accountable for pathway, objectives and reporting.

Circular Economy

Reduction of residual waste per person

By 2025: Reduction of 25%
By 2030: Reduction of 70%

Circular Economy

Packaging for all products placed on the market are recyclable or re-usable and has recycled content.

By 2025: 80% (Recyclable packaging) & 70% (Recycled content)
By 2030: 100% (Recyclable packaging) & 90% (Recycled content)

Circular Economy

100% of the chargers put in the market from 2022 are eligible for take back and recycling (EU only)

By 2025: eligibility for 100% of the chargers

Circular Economy

Recovery rate of raw materials/components from taken back chargers

By 2025: 50% of all materials/components
By 2030: 80% of all materials/components

Climate Change

Absolute Reduction of CO2 emission scope 1 & 2

By 2025: 5% reduction of CO2 emissions
By 2030: 60% reduction of CO2 emissions

Climate Change

Reduce scope 1 and 2 emissions at main assemblers (=Heliox scope 3)

By 2025: 15% reduction of emissions
By 2030: 40% reduction of emissions

Social Responsibility

Offsetting emissions of product transport to customers by purchasing carbon credits to support indigenous people and protect biodiversity

By 2025: 25% of carbon credits purchased
By 2030: 75% of carbon credits purchased

Social Responsibility

Improve corporate culture by increasing employee satisfaction

By 2025: 25% increase of employee satisfaction
By 2030: 60% increase of employee satisfaction

Social Responsibility

Suppliers adhering to signed Heliox compliance policies

By 2025: 50% of suppliers adhered to Heliox compliance policies
By 2030: 80% of suppliers adhered to Heliox compliance policies

Social Responsibility

Create a company Conflict Mineral Report

By 2025: Issue a Conflict Mineral Report

Social Responsibility

Annual contribution to social fund at a net profit above 10 million

By 2025: 50,000 Euros per annum
By 2030: 100,000 Euros per annum


Publish an external verified GRI report in 2025 and thereafter

Our Sustainability Vision

Heliox commits to climate neutrality and product circularity in 2050 in a socially responsible way. Three primary motivations guide us to achieve our sustainability goals. These are having a positive impact on:

Circular Economy

Based on the three principles: Eliminating waste and related pollution, circulating product and material and regeneration of nature, our sustainability vision encompasses circularity as do our business solutions


Although Heliox’ internal energy use and carbon emissions do not create a significant negative impact on the environment, we share the responsibility to contribute to EU’s 2030 goals and the UN-SDG’s

Social Responsibility

Driven by the consideration of people at the heart of our vision, a three-fold “people approach” defines our objectives and areas of responsibility: our team, our stakeholders, and the underprivileged.

Read our Sustainability Vision

To know how Heliox is powering a cleaner and more sustainable tomorrow.

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